ERA Update: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?


If you remember that old Pete Seeger song and its lyrics, used in my title, you may even be curious about 1972, the year when our US Congress, with only 11 females among its 535 legislators in both House and Senate, approved by a wide margin the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. Only 32 members of both House and Senate voted against the ERA.

Mind you, women had only been urging a male majority to pass an ERA soon after women finally won the vote in 1920. After a couple of drafts, ERA author and activist Alice Paul first proposed this simple wording to Congress in 1943: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”

Polls in the 70s showed that most Americans thought this the right thing to do. But changing the US Constitution is no simple matter, settled by a single vote. Its amendments require three-quarters of all state legislatures to ratify the measure also. Congress set a seven-year deadline for this, later extended to 1982. Still, when that second deadline passed, only 35 states, including Vermont, had ratified the ERA. Women still needed three more, to make it to the required 38.

Why on earth would anyone fail to vote for such a fair and simple measure?

A 2016 poll the ERA Coalition Fund for Women’s Equality found that 80 percent of respondents assumed that the ERA was already in place in the Constitution. But the times, post-1972, they had gotten complicated.

Some feminist labor organizers worried that protections they’d won for pregnant women and working mothers would be contested on the grounds of the new amendment; the ERA was not needed in their view. Other women, rumored to be burning their bras, in the eyes of some seemed dangerously pushy: in 1970, for instance, women declared Equality Day, and marched to the Statue of Liberty to hurl a flag from her heights—eegads. Importantly by then, Christian fundamentalists had also become newly political, joined with Roman Catholics in an unholy alliance to keep women pregnant and secondary in God’s supposed “order of the sexes.”

Women’s equality, however, had gotten out of the genie bottle. Though the national ERA missed its deadline, by 1984 Madeleine Kunin had become the first female governor of Vermont, and more women were running for, and being elected to, state and national offices. As women had learned from the suffrage vote, a state strategy also could work. In 1986, an ERA measure for the Vermont Constitution was passed by Vermont’s state legislature, but with an added requirement for ratification by popular referendum.

That same year, Vermont Woman observed its first anniversary of publication. We had a front-row seat to a year’s worth of the wack-a-doo politics that now dominate the country. Phyllis Schlafley of the Eagle Forum came to Burlington to challenge women’s legal right to an abortion and, while she was at it, opposed the ERA: Who knew what horrors would be set loose if all women were as free as Phyllis apparently was, running a national organization, and flying around the country, giving speeches? 

Purple pamphlets everywhere raised questions about the terror of unisex bathrooms. If the ERA were passed, homosexuals would teach in our schools, and even get married—perdition and confusion would prevail, and God would let loose AIDs as righteous punishment. Vermont’s measure went down in defeat—narrowly I’m relieved to say, 49 to 51 percent—but still marking a distressing signpost for the nation.

Sturdy and persistent Vermont legislators brought ERA issues back again by another name for a fuller airing to ensure that gender inclusive language be used in Vermont’s Constitution. That measure passed in 1994. Many other states have either passed de-facto ERA measures or a state ERA. And now in the era of Trump and Pence in a US White House, pink-hatted wonderfully pushy women are marching out in the streets again—and the national ERA has reared her head upright. She remains very much alive!

In a “failing New York Timeseditorial in April, that gray lady’s entire editorial board gave continued ERA efforts a thumbs-up, saying, “Enshrining women’s rights in the Constitution matters. Doing so now, during this presidency, would be particularly fitting.” Last year, Nevada ignored the imposed deadline and ratified the ERA. Now the state of Illinois just has too, on May 30, 2018.

Only one more state is needed to ratify it, and Virginia, Florida and Utah are all considered good bets. As for that imposed deadline, will it stand? The 27th Constitutional Amendment that James Madison first proposed over 200 years ago about Congressional pay was just passed—so why did women’s amendment get a deadline in the first place?

Women stand ready to challenge its legality. And then there are the five states—Nebraska, Tennessee, Idaho, Kentucky and South Dakota—that have tried to rescind their ratification. Can they do that? That will have to be contested in court, too.

But that backwards move by backwards states only underlines the importance of whaSupreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said to the National Press Club in 2014:  “…[L]egislation can be repealed, it can be altered. So I would like my granddaughters, when they pick up the Constitution, to see that notion—that women and men are persons of equal stature—I’d like them to see that is a basic principle of our society.”

We need Constitutional assurances in a time when Donald Trump is expected to seat more judges in the third branch of government, and when the nation has indulged in an overly bully pulpit. The ERA won in Illinois—but not with the wide agreement we saw in our Congress in the 70s. The Illinois final vote in both houses was narrow, 115 votes in favor of the measure, 57 against. That’s not quite as close as Vermont’s ERA defeat in 1986, but fear still reigns in our divided country, primed by deliberate fools.It was when I was remembering the happy vote of 1972, and saw those numbers of Illinois that Pete Seeger’s song popped into my head. His plaintive chords originally hit home as the Vietnam war went on and on, and the Pentagon Papers told us how five male presidents of both parties had kept on lying, each wanting to appear stronger than all the others:  “Where have All the Good Men Gone, Long Time Passing? When Will They Ever Learn? When Will They Ehhhhver Learn?”

—From Vermont Woman, Summer 2018. Rickey Gard Diamond was founding editor of Vermont Woman. Her latest book, Screwnomics: How the Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change has just been released by She Writes Press; you can contact her at


Why an #EconoMeToo Movement Matters

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Ten years ago, Tarana Burke began encouraging women to share their stories with each other. She knew they weren’t easy stories to tell. She herself had experienced sexual assault, and seeing how common it was, and how often women blamed themselves, she began #MeToo. Women learned they weren’t alone. Far from it. When they united, they became survivors and stronger. They could support one another to make change.

My book Screwnomics, more than ten years in the making, puts forward a similar idea. Screwing is not a woman’s word. It is a male vernacular made common in the world of money. It describes someone cheated, humiliated, and dominated. Most often we laugh it off.  But whatever your gender, or sexual preference, to be screwed means essentially to be made "female," or used against your will by a more powerful someone, who demonstrates he cares nothing about you. The use of this metaphor is now so common, we seldom think about its gendered nature.

Like Tarana, I encourage women to share their story with other women. Money tales are also difficult to confide. Money’s our last taboo, as loaded and shameful as sex—and often connected to sexual messaging and racial and gender identity. But together women can face what so often is painful and infuriating—and can be changed when we end our silence. Because of Screwnomics and  its workbook, Where Can I Get Some Change?, designed to help women claim their own economic story, women often confide in me. In the past month, I’ve heard diverse but similar tales. When asked if I can share them, they're afraid, and say no. They don’t want to go public, or be recognized. It feels too dangerous—and probably is. Until we unite.

That’s why we’ve introduced our new blog spot: AnonymousSpeaks. It’s an easy way to tell your story, which we promise to share in confidence, without using your name, unless you tell us you want to make specifics public on our website. How’s it work?

Just go to: and you’ll see: What Is Your Economic Story? A big red button says: Click here to share!

We’ll respond and get your confirmation to make sure it’s really you. We may also request style edits, and reserve the right to publish only stories that our editors believe will be helpful to others. Feel free to share any solutions that worked for you, also. We’ll share it with our followers on Facebook and on Twitter, using #Screwnomics #EconoMeToo. Together, we are powerful.


When in the Course of Human Events, It Becomes Necessary for a People...

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E Pluribus Unum

Home of the Brave and the Free

A Boston Herald photo of President Trump's turnaround on no-tolerance, a public show of powerful white men expounding on how great the country is doing. 

A Boston Herald photo of President Trump's turnaround on no-tolerance, a public show of powerful white men expounding on how great the country is doing. 

I admit, the young piping voice of that little girl in the borderlands of Texas asking for her aunt to come get her, while another desolate child cried for his Papi, broke my heart. I felt grateful when Rachel Maddow broke down while reading an Orwellian euphemism, a new alien phrase, “tender age shelters.” What was being done in our name, with our tax dollars, by our government?

Today my head feels clearer, my heart braver, because so many Americans felt the same, and said, no, this isn’t who we are. What great news of that practical couple, who proposed raising bail money on Facebook for parents, so separation wouldn’t happen. Hoping for $15,000, they now have $13 million in donations to help local agencies that will work to reunite families.

It’s money needed, since our federal government has no system in place to do so, and remains silent on the matter. There is much talk about long sought-after immigration reform in Congress, but no mention of public hearings or a full airing of problems legislators only call “complex,” but seldom take time to explain. Republicans control matters, but even they can’t agree, the real reason we’re stuck.

If like me you’re weary, and becoming aware of how little you understand about legalities that ensnare people who seek safety and a future for their children, there’s help. These books go to places our legislators refuse to brave, busy waging war. These books freely wage life. Check them out!

Sonia Nazario’s recently updated, Enrique’s Journey: The Tale of a Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with His Mother. It highlights the stakes, the personal risks, and also the people who help.

Shanti Hekaran’s novel, Lucky Boy, reveals an undocumented immigrant mother’s journey, her detention and separation from her child, Ignacio, and another more privileged immigrant couple trying to adopt him. Honest—with comedy relief.

C. Susan Nunn’s vibrant novel, Song of the Earth, is the passionate tale of a newcomer journalist’s changing take on Arizona’s borderlands, its flash floods, its illegal immigrants, drug-runners, “coyotes,” and an ATF agent. An educational page-turner.

—Rickey Gard Diamond

No Tolerance for White Wash

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Stories about refugee and immigrant families being split up at the border make me wonder if this is still the United States my teachers taught me about in school. You know, the one with a Statue of Liberty welcoming the poor and huddled masses. My ancestors were among them; none came over on the Mayflower. But maybe US Atty. General Jeff Sessions did.

Spouting Bible verses like a Puritan, Sessions has claimed the moral logic of St. Paul's letter to the Romans to support his taking kids away from their parents. He says the government is ordained by God, like race differences and slavery. So render onto Caesar what is Caesar's. 

Because I had heard rumors of even some Republicans objecting to what seems pure cruelty, Friday morning I watched Fox News. How was this affecting conservatives and their “family values?” There I learned that the impassioned reporter, who had pressed White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders—“You're a parent! Don't you have any empathy?”—was from (gasp) Playboy. This name-drop segued to a blonde Fox news person, who scowled as an Anglo immigrant spokeswoman complained about “liberal news” boo-hooing for the kids. They were, she explained, fed every day and went to school in a remodeled Wal-Mart, and thus were clearly "well cared for.”

Perhaps they even get Bible verses taught them—the same way Native American children were in the 19th century, when taken from their tribal parents and placed in boarding schools to become "civilized.” Natives themselves once grown described the separation as trauma.

So how "civilized" will bully US policy become? How religious will our separate state remain? UPI reports that a coalition of legal rights organizations submitted on Thursday a complaint to an international committee of the OAS (Organization of American States), asking it to "immediately stop a human rights and humanitarian crisis perpetrated by the U.S. government in the Texas-Mexico border."

Yes, they called us perps. And there's a reason Jesus called religious hypocrites, who belabored the law and forgot its spirit, "white-washed sepulchers." 

—Rickey Gard Diamond

Marjorie Kelly's Body Makeover

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No, I’m not talking plastic surgery here, I’m talking about business leadership and its corpus. This Latin word literally means “body,” and Marjorie Kelly’s work has focused on that collective physique we have named “the corporation.” She first examined the history of laws that govern corporate norms in her book, The Divine Right of Capital. She uncovered corporate law’s deep roots in royalist thinking. One of my most admired journalists, William Greider, wrote the foreward.

She followed that up with what I am calling her body makeover. She calls for wider democratic ownership of business organizations in her book Owning Our Future. What she calls “generative” corporations would share work and production’s profits more cooperatively. She contrasts this new kind of endeavor with the old model of “extractive” corporations that exploit natural resources and cheap labor to produce maximum profit for its wealthy shareholders alone. 

Part of a “new economy” group called The Democracy Collaborative, Kelly and her latest goal is to inspire a movement of 50 million corporate worker-owners by 2050. A wonderful writer, her latest work can get wonky, so I’ll link you here to one of her earliest questions: Can Corporations Be Good? published in Yes! Magazine back in 2012.

Yes! Magazine is full of unscrewed news and positive vibes. Its publisher, Fran Korten, wrote about Kelly’s history and her latest goal for worker-ownership more recently in TruthOut. These two articles will introduce you to Kelly’s innovations, and also to two cutting-edge publications, if you don’t already know them. You can connect with her Fifty By Fifty Network at

Despite her use of the g-word, generative, which literally requires diverse chromosomal exchanges between two sexes, Kelly seems reluctant to mention gender in her work. I can’t say I blame her, as that generally doesn’t help you get ahead. But gender is an element I consider crucial to understanding the meaning of “female” in a still male-dominated world of business and money—and crucial for both men and women to understand if we’re to make lasting corpus/corporate changes.

—Rickey Gard Diamond