Sneak Peak: Chapter 5

Here's a Sneak Peak from Chapter 5:

"My mom worried about the little guy—the small grocer, the independent pharmacist, the hardware guy in business for himself—swallowed up by larger national chain stores impossible to compete against. Big box retail was less than his wholesale, she’d say, so she knew the little guy was being squashed. She refused to buy anything made in China.

            And yet she never saw herself as one of the little guys. She was, in fact, among the littlest. She would hate my saying that, but she had been an employee, not an owner. She was a woman, not a man, a bargain for bosses. That put her in a majority she never claimed. She retired to live as if near poverty, with her only sizeable wealth her housing asset.

            That asset separated her from many more women even less well off who lacked that security. African American or Hispanic homeowners in her neighborhood were a tiny minority, distrusted and viewed by her as threats to her property value. Until their houses were paid in full like hers, they were more at risk.  Like my mom, they too had to pay rising property taxes and rising prices for keeping a middle class life..."