Everyone has an #EconoMeToo story to share.

We want to hear yours! We’re compiling #EconoMeToo stories - anonymously if desired - in order to demonstrate that we women are not alone in this #screwnomics world. We’re all in the soup together!

Please share your story with us below. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us.

PS: Hitting a road block? Take a look at these prompts, from the Screwnomics Workbook:

~ When was the the first time you wondered about prices, or found you didn’t have enough money for what you wanted?
~ Have you ever experienced EconoMansplaining? Describe it.
~ When did you first become aware that race, as well as gender, plays a big role in our economy?
~ Have you ever been verbally mounted or witnessed this behavior? Have you ever verbally mounted anyone else? Do tell!
~ What’s your most embarrassing banking moment?
~ Have you ever had a disastrous salary negotiation meeting? How about a successful one? Describe it.
~ Do you have an idea for a solution that would address #screwnomics? Tell us about it.